A collaborative exhibition with poets Usha Kishore and Paul Quayle, and artist Bea Lacey at the Hodgeson Loom Gallery, Isle of Man in March 2018. Musician Matt Kelly played at the opening.
The exhibition also premiered a video by Phoebe Colley of 'Saltmother - an evening of painting and poetry' by myself and Usha, at Smeale Farm Barn in October 2017
From 2015 - 18 I worked on several interlinked projects as part of my ongoing investigation ‘9 Threads Woven’.
My work with Usha is inspired by her recent collection ‘Night Sky Between the Stars’ and her ‘Translating the Divine Woman: Syamala Dandaka’, a translation from the Sanskrit with M Sambasivan. This body of work is a continuation of our collaborative exhibition ‘Threads Across Waters’ at The Mill Arts Centre, Banbury in 2016.
The project with Bea involved making drawings and gleaning information from a road trip that went from Olhao to Bilbao, following ancient roads, megalithic sites and finding some of the earliest known rock carving in the Coa Valley. The resulting work is an investigation of human mark making and its relationship with body and landscape. At its simplest what is apparent is the sense of interconnectivity between the human making the mark, the landscape upon which the mark is made and the subject of the mark making. The spiritual sense of place and of being and the physicality of place and experience are indivisibly woven together.
My work with Paul is a further investigation of sacred landscape both on the Island and from several visits to the Rollrights Stones in Oxfordshire, representing an intuitive response to the specific site visits.